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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Home-grown suicide bombers

Today's news has confirmed what most people were thinking: the London attacks were performed by British suicide bombers. And these are the first suicide bombs on British soil.

Given the information that is available from the police, it doesn't take much to put two plus two together to work out what these guys did. They hatched a plan up in Leeds, travelled down to Luton, took the bombs out of their car and then went their separate ways from King's Cross. Three of them killed themselves at 8:50 along with their victims. Perhaps the fourth one bottled it, then travelled around in an agitated state (according to one eye-witness) before blowing himself up on a bus. Was this fourth one deliberate or accidental?

I've been keeping an eye on the official victim list: although I checked on all my friends that I'm in regular contact with, I have this nagging doubt that someone I know might have been on one of the trains/bus. I guess that's a feeling shared by many people.

But, the attacks won't stop me going to London. See you there next week.

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