Keeping the world up to date with me.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Just how useful are ID cards?

Not very, according to this article, which describes plenty of ways people are abusing the ID schemes of other countries. And the Government want us to pay for this?

Get you spolling right.

Typing error causes nuclear scare. From BBC News.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Managing The Parallel 'You-niverse

Managing The Parallel 'You-niverse'. An article on how your identity is under threat.

It's windy under the sea

Herring and their mysterious farting sounds. Some real science about how herrings use farting to keep in contact with each other when navigating the cold oceans.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Monotonik - not really!

Take a look at monotonik + friends. Good music available for download...

Divide And Conquer Yourself

Divide And Conquer Yourself - a nice article about Linux vs. Windows. With a real point: 'Real Programmers Don't Care'.

BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | A Swiss hygiene inspector calls

Marvellous stuff from the BBC. It confirms my experience of working in Switzerland. They definitely have 'a system' for everything.

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Physicist working on the 4GLS design